Banks & Financing

accountants, mackay, bank loans,Realistically the banks have the money and you know that nothing in any contract is going to benefit you at the expense of the bank.

Don’t you love the way that they have special deals for “ new clients” only. Good customer loyalty there.(sarcasm!)

You want a loan and have been with the same bank for years.

Well here’s a tip.

Tell your bank that you can arrange a loan pretty easily and get the deal elsewhere.

That’s why we use brokers .

A broker will put your loan up for tender and let your bank know that if they want to keep your business they will have to give you a good “loyalty” deal.

The trick is in finding a broker that is not owned by the banks (yep that’s business to them but deceit to us) and that’s what we do.

We find the brokers who are totally independent and help them get your loan application ready so it’s attractive to banks bidding for your work.

Contact us today for help with business loans and financing



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